
Progress Educational Trust’s 30th Birthday Party

24 June 2022

Louisa Ghevaert was delighted to attend Progress Educational Trust’s 30th birthday party at The Royal Society of Medicine in London on Wednesday 22 June 2022. PET’s 30th birthday party, which was sponsored by Ferring Pharmaceuticals, was very well attended by a community of leading experts and supporters from across the fertility, medical, scientific and academic sectors. Speeches were delivered by Baroness Ruth Deech DBE and PET Trustee Professor Robin Lovell-Badge CBE. As part of its 30th birthday programme, PET Director Sarah Norcross also announced the publication of an illuminating wide-ranging nationwide Ipsos study measuring public opinion and understanding about fertility, genomics and embryo research to further inform its ongoing work.

Progress Educational Trust

Progress Educational Trust (PET) was founded as a charity in 1992, although its origins date back to 1985 when its precursor organisation the Progress Campaign for Research into Human Reproduction was formed to address legislation which threatened to ban IVF and embryo research in the UK. Over the last 30 years, PET has consistently informed and helped shape public, patient, professional and policy debate about fertility, genomics and embryo research through its regular programme of expert-led events and its weekly newsletter.

Expert Attendees

Louisa Ghevaert was delighted to meet Olivia Montuschi co-founder of the Donor Conception Network again, together with women’s health writer Kate Brian and Jane Denton CBE, who have all contributed so much to the fertility sector, and celebrate Progress Educational Trust’s pioneering work and their 30th birthday.

During the evening, Louisa was also delighted to celebrate PET’s work over the last 30 years with a wide range of experts, including Ippokratis Saris, Director and Consultant in Reproductive Medicine at King’s Fertility, Kaj Rydman, expert in cryogenic specimen management at Karelia Advisors Ltd, Psychotherapist Dr Sharon Pettle, Layla Afkhami, NHS Genetic Scientist and PET volunteer and Dr Kathy Herbrand, Reader in Medical Sociology and Deputy Director of the Centre for Reproduction Research at De Montfort University.

Louisa also met up and celebrated with Debra Bloor from Care Fertility Group, Catherine Drennan, former legal advisor to the HFEA, family lawyer Natalie Sutherland at Burgess Mee and Francesca Forzano, Consultant in Clinical Genetics and Honary Senior Lecturer at King’s College London.

It was a wonderful evening attended by a community of committed and dedicated experts who all came together to celebrate PET’s achievements and work over the last 30 years. Happy Birthday Progress Educational Trust and we wish you all the very best for the next 30 years.

If you require expert fertility, donor conception, surrogacy, posthumous conception or family law advice contact Louisa Ghevaert by email or by telephone +44 (0)20 7965 8399.

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