
Life, family and fertility in 2021

11 January 2021

As we start 2021, many of us are thinking about what will happen over the next 12 months and wondering what it will mean for our health, jobs, relationships, families and hopes for a baby.  A year ago, the Covid-19 pandemic was just starting to emerge and it had yet to really hit many people’s horizons. Since then, it’s rapid proliferation has caused immense global loss of life, economic disruption, sickness, restrictions and uncertainty that for many was simply unimaginable before news of the Covid-19 outbreak was announced.  It has also brought about unprecedented levels of change that affects us all and influences our futures.

Whilst the current uncertainties and restrictions are undoubtedly difficult, and the last year has been incredibly hard, there are signs that the tide will begin to turn. The roll-out of Covid-19 vaccinations will gather pace, winter will turn into spring and then summer and our understanding of Covid-19 and genomics will continue to improve. Despite the grim situation caused by the ongoing pandemic in the UK at the moment and our third lockdown, there is hope for the future and that is a message that we all need to focus on and hold firm. History has shown that out of hard times and devastation, change forges new paths and fosters shifts in paradigms that can bring about meaningful improvements and benefits.

For many, the pandemic has already caused us to revisit our work/life/family balance. Lockdowns and restrictions together with government edicts to stay at home and work from home wherever possible has changed our working patterns and routines. It has caused us to confront the reality that we can, and need to be, more flexible about the way we work and how we structure our daily lives. This, together with furlough, restrictions, economic recession and changes in demand for goods and services has provided many people with more time, flexibility and opportunity to think about their personal and family lives, health, fertility and futures. It has been a stark reminder that jobs, colleagues and wealth can come and go and that time spent with our relatives, children, family and loved ones is very precious. It has also brought into closer focus our hopes, dreams and opportunities to conceive a child or restructure our personal and family lives.

Top tips

The current climate and the unprecedented scale of the change happening around us means it has never been more important to do what we can to proactively manage our health, fertility, personal and family arrangements. The Covid-19 pandemic creates a wide range of questions. Should I delay starting a family to see what happens to my job as a result of this pandemic? What are my options for having a baby if my relationship fails due to a change in circumstances? Should I take the next step with my partner in these uncertain times and try for a baby? Should I think about importing my frozen eggs, sperm or embryos into the UK for use in fertility treatment? What will happen to my family building wishes and frozen embryos if my partner dies unexpectedly? This makes it important to:

  • Check, preserve and maximise individual fertility (e.g. fertility testing, egg and sperm freezing, embryo creation where appropriate).
  • Take care of your health and identify any medical issues and symptoms early to get the best treatment and outcome.
  • Think carefully about the shape and size of family to be created.
  • Review personal finances and think about budgeting for fertility treatment and family creation and expansion as soon as possible.
  • Identify and understand the legal and wider practical issues, implications and outcomes associated with fertility treatment, family building and family life on a case by case basis. You can read more about the benefits of investing in specialist fertility and family law advice here.

Need a fertility lawyer or a family lawyer? If you would like to discuss your situation or you require specialist fertility and family law advice and assistance please contact Louisa by email  or by telephone +44 (0)20 7965 8399.

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