
Keep Up to Date with Fertility & Family Law at Louisa Ghevaert Associates

3 June 2021

The News Section of the Louisa Ghevaert Associates’ website has had an inspiring refresh. With articles, excerpts and podcasts as featured in The Times, The Independent, The Guardian and BBC Radio you can learn more about the intricacies of fertility and family law and many topical issues that feature in the media. Understand how COVID-19 has impacted surrogacy, delve deeper into the need for fertility and surrogacy law reform in the UK and increase your awareness of the rapidly evolving genomic landscape and what this means for the fertility and healthcare sectors.

You can also take a look at the recently added Podcast Section of the Louisa Ghevaert Associates’ website. There you can listen to podcasts on the intricacies of fertility preservation and egg freezing and the role and importance of expert fertility and family law advice in the creation and protection of modern families built through assisted conception and fertility treatment.

Added to this, you can check out the Louisa Ghevaert Associates’ Blog Section. There you will find commentary on current issues and developments across the fertility and family space. You can learn more about latest trends for building a much-wanted family, options when infertility strikes and fertility treatment fails, legal parentage, a fertility and family law perspective on later life parenthood, UK and international surrogacy and much more.

Discover more about the value of an experienced and specialist fertility and family lawyer and how this extends beyond technical legal guidance to help individuals:

  • Achieve peace of mind about their or a loved-one’s personal and family situation.
  • Make informed decisions about their family building arrangements and family life.
  • Become empowered to make changes and take meaningful steps forward to create, restructure or protect a much-wanted family.
  • Identify, assess and minimise unwanted personal and family risks and pitfalls.
  • Create viable action plans to help balance work, personal and family life.

Need a fertility lawyer or a family lawyer? If you would like to discuss your situation or you require specialist fertility, surrogacy and family law advice and assistance please contact Louisa by email  or by telephone +44 (0)20 7965 8399.

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