
Decoding The Future of Women 2023

13 June 2023

Louisa Ghevaert attended Decoding the Future of Women, a health tech conference, on 12 June 2023 during London Tech Week. Its mission was to positively change the FemTech sector by re-framing the narrative and addressing key issues and themes. What does the future hold for women? What does future fertility, longevity, scientific discovery and sustainability look like? It asked contributors (including investors, corporate innovators and cutting-edge start-ups) to bring their most visionary self to the conference. The results were fascinating insights about what an empowered female future looks like.

Photographs feature: Louisa Ghevaert, UK fertility Law Expert, Dr Helen O’Neill, Lecturer in Reproductive and Molecular Genetics UCL & CEO and Founder of Hertility Health, Professor Joyce Harper, Professor in Reproductive Science at UCL.

The electric energy and buzz around FemTech, women’s health, fertility, hormone expression and understanding of women’s bodies was palpable. Decoding the Future of Women covered all sorts of evolving issues including: decline of human fertility – can technology save our species?, wearable tech: the next frontier in human interaction and personalised wellness, the future female biohacker: using data, hormones and wearables to optimise wellness and vitality, the future without menopause? reframing female aging with ovarian longevity and biotech, sex of the future: sextech redefining sexual empowerment and Intimacy, robo doctors v real doctors: the ethics and future of AI in women’s health and consumer experience, the IT femtech market: investment trends and projections.

The session on sexual wellness highlighted evolving understanding about a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being related to sexuality. It discussed how sextech is a growing market. It went on to highlight cultural shifts to sexual wellness being a priority and how as a result consumers are getting more choice. Furthermore, the session on menopause highlighted how 1.1 billion women are going through the menopause globally, representing 12 percent of the world population. The discussion reframed the narrative to “graduating to menopause” and explained how menopause is determined 60 percent by genetics and 40 percent by lifestyle factors. It went on to explain that ovaries age 5 times faster than any other organ in the human body due to their own in-built biological clock and the important balance to be struck in terms of effectively managing transition to menopause.

Photographs feature: Louisa Ghevaert, UK Fertility Law Expert, Dr Israa Siddig, Women’s Health Doctor at The World Health Organization.

Overall, Decoding the Future of Women 2023 brought into focus the rapidly evolving landscape around FemTech, female health and fertility. The future looks bright, with so much innovation ahead focused on women’s health, fertility, hormone expression and understanding of the female body.

If you would like to discuss your pre-conception, family building, fertility and general life needs or you would benefit from advisory and consultancy support contact Louisa Ghevaert by email  or by telephone +44 (0)20 7965 8399.

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