
British Fertility Society’s Modern Families Day 2023

22 August 2023

Louisa Ghevaert is delighted to deliver a surrogacy law update as part of the British Fertility Society’s Modern Families Day on 12 September 2023, forming part of the BFS’s annual study week. Louisa will once again join an expert panel of speakers addressing clinical and legal issues, law reform and wider aspects associated with creating modern families through fertility treatment, egg and sperm donation and surrogacy.

Images: Louisa Ghevaert, CEO & Founder of Louisa Ghevaert Associates

Louisa’s session will address recent fertility treatment trends and birth rates as well as the Law Commissions of England, Wales and Scotland’s Final Recommendations for surrogacy law reform in the UK following publication on 29 March 2023. Her session will also cover recent developments in surrogacy case law in the English Family Court, providing insight into notable real-life case studies.

Other sessions in the BFS Modern Families Day 2023 module will cover: perspectives of patients undergoing fertility treatment, as well as perspectives of egg and sperm donors. There will also be sessions on the role of counselling in contemporary family building, treating single women and same-sex couples, legal aspects of using donor eggs and sperm in treatment, fertility and gender reassignment, cross-border fertility care and adoption.

Images: Louisa Ghevaert CEO & Founder Louisa Ghevaert Associates, Dr Vasanti Jadva Associate Professor of Reproductive Science at University College London, Francoise Shenfield

Forming modern families through fertility treatment, egg and sperm donation and surrogacy in the UK or overseas creates complex issues for clinicians, nurses, counsellors, patients, surrogates, donors and children. As the British Fertility Society Modern Families Day makes clear, it requires an expert and multi-disciplinary approach that addresses the medical, legal and wider issues in the short, medium and longer term.

Need an expert surrogacy lawyer or fertility and family lawyer? If you would like to discuss your situation or you require specialist fertility and family law advice and assistance please contact Louisa Ghevaert by email  or by telephone +44 (0)20 7965 8399.

Images: Louisa Ghevaert CEO & Founder Louisa Ghevaert Associates. Meenakshi Choudhary Senior Consultant Gynaecologist and Reproductive Medicine Expert at The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Dr Alka Prakash Consultant Reproductive Medicine, Clinical lead- Cambridge IVF, Suzanne Dark Fertility Counsellor

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