
Donor Conception Network’s 30th Anniversary

26 June 2023

Louisa Ghevaert was delighted to attend the Donor Conception Network’s 30th Anniversary celebration at 1GC Family Law in London on 23 June 2023. The event brought together donor conceived individuals and families, professionals, academics, supporters and highlighted the vital work being done by the Donor Conception Network across the UK.

The Donor Conception Network is a charity which supports mainly UK-based families with children conceived with donor eggs, sperm or embryos, as well as donor conceived individuals and those considering undergoing donor conception. The Donor Conception Network provides a range of inclusive dedicated support through connections with others, books and resources, workshops and webinars which are suitable for all types of family and specific events aimed at same-sex couples, single people and heterosexual couples. It also helps support parents with the issues and feelings they may have about creating a family through donor conception and a range of questions. How do children feel about being donor conceived? Will I bond with a child that is not genetically connected to me?
How can I go about exploring whether ‘telling’ is right for our family? When should I start telling my child about his or her origins and how do I go about it? It also informs professionals, practitioners and policy makers in the UK and worldwide on the social and emotional aspects of building or expanding a family through donor conception.

Later this year (2023) the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (the HFEA) will open its register to the first cohort of donor-conceived individuals who were born after donor anonymity was lifted in the the UK in April 2005 and who are therefore eligible to apply for identifying information about their donor, with a view to making contact with them. As such, the Donor Conception Network’s social and emotional support role will be a valuable resource for donors, donor conceived individuals and families as they begin to navigate this change in the donor conception landscape.

Need Advisory and Consultancy or a fertility lawyer or a donor conception lawyer? If you would like to discuss your situation or you require specialist fertility, donor conception and family law advice and assistance please contact Louisa by email  or by telephone +44 (0)20 7965 8399.

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