
Perspectives on surrogacy law reform

25 July 2019

Last Friday, 19 July 2019, Louisa attended The Law Commission’s surrogacy consultation event at Exeter University “Building families through surrogacy: a new law”. The Law Commission explained its proposals for surrogacy law reform and its new pathway to legal parenthood for surrogate born children.

It departs from current law, policy and practice and proposes a new regulated surrogacy pathway without the need for a court application. This will enable intended parents (subject to eligibility) to become their surrogate born child’s legal parents at birth with parental responsibility if the surrogate does not object within a defined period of time.

It was positive to hear The Law Commission’s view that there should be independent legal advice for both intended parents and surrogates under the new surrogacy law pathway.

The Law Commission’s consultation currently seeks views on 118 questions and issues in relation to surrogacy to inspire debate and help inform its final recommendations. The Law Commission’s consultation on surrogacy closes on 27 September 2019 and it plans to make its final recommendations for law reform accompanied by draft legislation in 2021.

Need an expert surrogacy lawyer? If you would like to discuss your situation or you require specialist advice about fertility, surrogacy and family law and policy please contact Louisa Ghevaert by email  or by telephone +44 (0)20 7965 8399.


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