
Parental Responsibility Agreement

Subject to eligibility, a parental responsibility agreement can be entered into by:

  • A birth mother and an unmarried biological father.
  • A step-parent and a child’s legal parent.
  • A child’s second female parent.

It is important to understand the legal issues, process and implications before entering into a parental responsibility agreement using the prescribed court form. This must be witnessed by a court officer and then sent to the Principal Registry of The Family Division in London and recorded on the central Parental Responsibility Agreement Register. Once an individual obtains parental responsibility for a child, it can only be removed by the English Family Court in limited situations.

Our preeminent specialist legal expertise in fertility and family law helps place family life on a firm legal basis.  We are open-minded, supportive and we align our legal services to your individual situation and needs.

If you require legal assistance or wish to discuss a parental responsibility agreement contact us by telephone.

 +44 (0) 20 7965 8399

How we can help

Our legal services under English law include:

  • Legal packages
  • Bespoke legal advice tailored to your situation, needs and wishes
  • Preparation of legal documentation
  • Legal support and representation in court proceedings

Our bespoke legal services include one-off legal advice, legal mentoring ‘behind the scenes’ and legal representation.

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