
Financial provision for a child

The financial costs of a child can encompass a range of complex legal, medical and practical issues under English law from pre-conception through to raising a child, which include:

  • Fertility treatment and assisted conception legal and medical costs (e.g. if you have experienced medical negligence and become infertile or unable to carry a pregnancy).
  • Modern family building legal costs associated with understanding and managing complex and evolving fertility and family law issues (e.g. co-parenting, known donation, surrogacy, complex personal situation, blended family dynamics, posthumous conception).
  • Paternity/legal parentage dispute concerning costs of a child’s upbringing (e.g. maintenance, home, education etc).

We provide bespoke legal advice and solutions to resolve financial matters and place financial arrangements for the care and upbringing of a child on a firm legal basis.

How we can help

Our legal services include:

  • Legal packages
  • Bespoke legal advice tailored to your situation, needs and wishes
  • Preparation of legal documentation
  • Legal support and representation in court proceedings e.g. under Schedule 1 Children Act 1989

Package One

Financial provision children dispute – legal review

This provides initial expert legal advice on family and fertility law in the UK in the event of a financial provision (income and capital) dispute with a co-parent, former partner, current partner or other adult).

If you require legal assistance or wish to discuss financial provision for a child contact us

 +44 (0) 20 7965 8399

News and commentary

Click here to read more about our media and commentary work in relation to family and fertility law, policy and practice, to include:

“DNA testing, parentage disputes and the law” (Louisa Ghevaert Associates blog, 15 June 2022).

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