
About You

The decision to become a surrogate is a big step. It creates a range of medical, legal, practical, financial and wider issues that require careful management from the outset.

Surrogacy law is complex in the UK.  Surrogacy agreements are not legally contractually binding.  There is a UK public policy restriction against commercial payments and it is illegal to advertise for a surrogate or as a prospective surrogate in the UK.  This makes it important to understand the legal issues, implications and outcomes, including:

  • Legal parental status for the child.
  • Birth certificate arrangements.
  • Financial responsibility for the child.
  • What legal options apply in the event of a dispute with intended parent/s.
  • International legal aspects (as there is no international harmonisation of surrogacy law).

We can provide bespoke legal advice and flexible legal services in this rapidly evolving area of law, policy and practice.

If you require legal assistance or wish to discuss your situation please contact us

 +44 (0) 20 7965 8399

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