
About You

Co-parenting can be an attractive way to build a family for single men and women, as well as lesbian, gay and some heterosexual couples. It can provide an extended family network for a child and multiple adults who are committed to the child’s care and upbringing.

However, the decision to conceive and co-parent a child requires careful thought and understanding of the legal and practical issues in the short, medium and longer term, including:

  • Legal parentage (a child can only have up to two legal parents).
  • Fertility treatment law.
  • Financial provision for a child.
  • Care and upbringing of a child (including exercise of parental responsibility and dispute management with a co-parent).
  • Guardianship for a child (should you pass away or become incapacitated).
  • What legal options apply in the event of a dispute with a co-parent/s.

It is also advisable to enter into a co-parenting agreement before conception.

We can provide expert bespoke legal solutions and a range of flexible legal services to suit your needs and wishes. We can work with you from pre-conception, during pregnancy and throughout parenthood to create and safeguard your much wanted family.

If you require legal assistance or wish to discuss becoming a co-parent or co-parenting a child please contact us

 +44 (0) 20 7965 8399

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