
About You

Conceiving and parenting a child as a solo woman can be very exciting, rewarding and demanding. It can be a long held decision of choice or a decision that is influenced by personal circumstances (e.g. age, fertility levels, finances, relationship history).

There are over 2.8 million single parents in the UK and ninety percent of these are women.

Conception arrangements include: natural conception, private assisted conception and fertility treatment. The nature of conception will determine the relevant legal issues under fertility and family law.

There are many legal issues to consider when building and legally securing a modern family as a solo woman in the UK, including:

  • Family building options and law.
  • Fertility preservation and maximisation options and law.
  • Fertility treatment law.
  • Donation law (e.g. if conception involves a known donor, inter-family or arms-length donor).
  • Co-parenting law (if you plan to co-parent a child with another person or couple).
  • Surrogacy law (if you plan to conceive a child through surrogacy).
  • Adoption and fostering law (if you plan to adopt or foster a child).
  • Guardianship for a child (should you pass away or become incapacitated).
  • Financial provision for a child.
  • Legal parentage (including birth certificate arrangements).
  • Care and upbringing of a child (including exercise of parental responsibility and dispute management with a known donor, co-parent, surrogate, former partner or other individual).

We can provide expert bespoke legal solutions and a range of flexible legal services to suit your needs and wishes. We can work with you from pre-conception, during pregnancy and throughout parenthood.

If you require legal assistance or wish to discuss family building or legal protection for your much-wanted family as a solo woman please contact us

 +44 (0) 20 7965 8399

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