
From an English legal perspective, undertaking fertility treatment can confer unwanted legal parental status and rights on individuals for a prospective child.  This is particularly the case if you are in a complex personal situation, including:

  • A woman undertaking fertility treatment and you are separated but still married or in an existing civil partnership.
  • A husband of a wife from whom you are separated but not yet divorced and she is undergoing fertility treatment.
  • A woman who is separated but still married or in an existing civil partnership with a woman undergoing fertility treatment.

If you require legal assistance or wish to discuss your situation contact us

 +44 (0) 20 7965 8399

How we can help

Our legal services include:

  • Legal packages
  • Bespoke legal advice for your situation, needs and wishes
  • Preparation of legal documentation
  • Legal support and representation in court proceedings

Bespoke legal services

We can assist with:

  • Legal advice and preparation of bespoke legal documentation to evidence lack of consent to legal parenthood and status in fertility treatment.
  • Declaration of legal parentage in cases where HFEA consent forms have been lost or completed in error

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