
Publications & Articles

Louisa Ghevaert is a widely published author on fertility, surrogacy,genomics and modern family law issues in magazines and leading legal publications.


A specialist contributor on surrogacy law in practitioner reference book The International Family Law Practice (Sixth Edition 2021, Family Law). “In short, The International Family Law Practice continues to be an indispensable part of the practicing family lawyer’s library and an equally useful work of reference for the judiciary and the academic community”, Nigel Lowe, Emeritus Professor of Law, Cardiff University and Consultant to Number Fourteen of Gray’s Inn Square” (June 2021).

A co-author of medico-legal reference book Reducing Risk in Fertility Treatment (First Edition, April 2015). This is an essential resource for fertility clinicians, embryologists, nurses, counsellors and administrators. Louisa’s specialist chapter entitled “Legal and Regulatory Risks to Patients: The UK Context” addresses legal and regulatory pitfalls faced by fertility patients seeking various forms of fertility treatment in the UK.


“Challenges in International Surrogacy Arrangements”, by Louisa Ghevaert, Family Law (4 April 2022).

“International surrogacy law: existing conflicts unresolved”, by Louisa Ghevaert, BioNews (14 March 2022).

“New National Genomic Healthcare Strategy, Genome UK: does it go far enough?”, by Louisa Ghevaert, BioNews (19 October 2020).

“The UK Supreme Court awards damages for commercial surrogacy”, by Louisa Ghevaert, BioNews (6 April 2020).

“Why we need root and branch fertility law reform”, by Louisa Ghevaert, BioNews (25 November 2019).

“Rachael Bland’s fight to preserve her fertility is a battle fought by many modern women”, by Louisa Ghevaert Female First (7 September 2018).

“The significance of fertility: A landmark ruling on posthumous conception”, by Louisa Ghevaert, BioNews (3 September 2018).

“Posthumous conception: a legacy in life, incapacity and death”, by Louisa Ghevaert and Michael Mylonas QC, Family Law Week (20 August 2018).

“Anything but child’s play: surrogacy and thorny issues of identity, parenthood and status in modern families”, by Louisa Ghevaert, Family Law (29 August 2018).

“3-person IVF approved by HFEA – what does this mean?”, by Louisa Ghevaert, Family Law (31 January 2017).

“Fertility treatment and consent to legal parenthood: no room for errors”, by Louisa Ghevaert, Family Law (13 October 2016).

“Dispelling myths about surrogacy in the UK and the need for reform: report of the Surrogacy UK Working Group on surrogacy law reform”, by Louisa Ghevaert, Family Law (23 November 2015).

“UK surrogacy gone wrong”, by Louisa Ghevaert, BioNews (17 March 2014).

“Recent surrogacy disputes in focus”, by Louisa Ghevaert, BioNews (16 September 2013).

“The IVF postcode lottery must stop”, by Louisa Ghevaert, BioNews  (2 July 2012).

“IVF, donor conception and surrogacy: is global regulation possible?”, by Louisa Ghevaert, BioNews  (4 July 2011).

“International Surrogacy: Payments, Public Policy and Media Hype”, by Natalie Gamble and Louisa Ghevaert, Family Law (May 2011).

“International surrogacy: progress or media hype?”, by Louisa Ghevaert, BioNews (10 January 2011).

“Birth certificates, a new era”, by Louisa Ghevaert, BioNews, (30 April 2010).

“What happens when surrogacy goes wrong? The recent Indiana case in its wider context”, by Louisa Ghevaert, BioNews (9 February 2010).

“The chosen middle ground, England, surrogacy law and the international arena”, by Natalie Gamble and Louisa Ghevaert, International Family Law (November 2009).

“The changing face of parenthood”, by Louisa Ghevaert, Family law Journal  (July/August 2009).

“Moving surrogacy law forward? The Department of Health consultation on parental orders”, by Natalie Gamble and Louisa Ghevaert, BioNews (27 October 2009).

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008: Revolution or Evolution?, by Louisa Ghevaert, Family Law (August 2009).

“Re X and Y (foreign surrogacy) a trek through a thorn forest”, by Natalie Gamble and Louisa Ghevaert, Family Law (March 2009).

“Surrogacy law must be reviewed to stop more British couples ending up in a legal nightmare”, by Louisa Ghevaert, BioNews (12 January 2009).


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