
Known Donor Agreement

The English Family Court advises known donors and prospective parents to:

  • Obtain specialist legal advice at the outset, and
  • Enter into a written known donor agreement before conception

A written known donor agreement should be tailored to your personal situation, needs and wishes. It requires careful consideration and management of a range of complex legal and practical issues. It can be even more complex when there is an international dimension, a previous close or personal relationship exists between the parties, the parties seek to conceive by private arrangement and where parties need to navigate additional health and fertility issues.

A written known donor agreement has a number of functions, including:

  • Help understanding and navigation of legal issues and risks.
  • Tool to aid communication.
  • Tool to manage expectations and wishes.
  • Evidential use in the event of a subsequent dispute and litigation.

Our preeminent legal expertise spans the fertility, medical and family law sectors. We provide cutting-edge legal options and solutions to meets the needs of modern families formed through assisted reproduction.

How we can help

Our legal services include:

  • Legal packages
  • Bespoke legal advice for your situation, needs and wishes
  • Preparation of legal documentation
  • Legal support and representation in court proceedings

Package One

Known donation legal starter kit

This legal package provides the following initial legal information and documentation on known donation law in the UK to help prospective parents and known donors:

  • Known donation information and guidance.

Package three

This legal package includes a legal review meeting and the preparation of a bespoke known donor agreement. It:

  • Prepares a bespoke known donor agreement.
  • Provides legal and practical advice on donor information and rights.
  • Provides bespoke legal advice on known donation (including legal parentage and parental responsibility and legal and practical implications arising).
  • Helps navigate complex personal and legal issues.
  • Identifies legal and practical risks and steps to mitigate these.
  • Answers legal questions to give peace of mind.



This consultation does not provide medical advice. It only provides specialist advice on known donation and family law in the UK (and not law in other jurisdictions) and preparation of a known donor agreement. Terms and conditions apply. For further legal advice and assistance consider our other legal packages and bespoke legal services.

Package Two

Known donor - legal review

This provides expert legal and practical advice to support people undertaking known donation. It:

  • Provides bespoke legal advice on known donation law in the UK (including legal parentage and parental responsibility and legal and practical implications arising).

Bespoke legal advice with a complex known donor arrangement.

If you require legal assistance or wish to discuss your situation contact us

 +44 (0) 20 7965 8399

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