
Undergoing Fertility Treatment in the Workplace and Fertility Law Reform

Undergoing fertility treatment can be a challenging exercise and it can create all sorts of practical and legal difficulties for workers. This is because the period when workers are undergoing fertility treatment (but not yet pregnant) is not adequately catered for in law. Instead, legislation giving workers’ legal rights and protections is focused around being pregnant and then having a baby. This can leave workers undergoing fertility treatment in difficult situations. As a result, fertility law reform is needed in the UK and more needs to be done to support those undergoing fertility treatment in the workplace and to improve workplace culture.
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Surrogacy Law Update: British Fertility Society’s Creating Modern Families Day 2022

Louisa Ghevaert joins a panel of leading expert speakers at The British Fertility Society’s Creating Modern Families Day 2022. This is one of nine modules which forms part of The BFS’s annual training event for clinicians, fertility nurses and specialists across the fertility sector. The Creating Modern Families Day 2022 module will look at the complexities of building modern families and assisted conception, including the clinical and legal issues, regulatory changes and wider aspects associated with fertility treatment, egg and sperm donation and surrogacy.
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Trends in Surrogacy Law and Family Building in 2022 in England and Wales

The latest Family Court (England and Wales) Quarterly Statistics have just been published by the Ministry of Justice for October to December 2021. They provide useful information about trends in surrogacy. Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, we saw an upwards trend in surrogacy. However, for a second year running there has now been a five percent decline in the numbers of parental orders granted compared with pre-pandemic surrogacy activity. This correlates with an overall decline in birth rates in England and Wales in 2020, whilst the total fertility rate in England and Wales also reached a record low in 2020 according to recent statistics released by The Office for National Statistics.
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International surrogacy law: legal parentage, citizenship, time limits and parental orders

The recent case of Re X, Y and Z (Children: Parental Orders: Time Limit) [2022] highlights the very real legal issues and problems that can arise when intended parents enter into international surrogacy arrangements. In Re X, the intended parents experienced unforeseen difficulties with their three US surrogate born children’s legal parentage, citizenship and residence when they encountered a different system of law in Denmark where they were living. They also had to navigate complex legal issues whilst applying for parental orders in the English Family Court to resolve their children’s legal parentage and legally secure their children’s care arrangements upon relocating to the UK.
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